Welcome to

Kadampa Meditation Center Austin

Modern Buddhism in Central Texas

Buddha’s most profound insight into the nature of the mind remains as revolutionary in our modern world as it was 2500 years ago: the mind is the source of all happiness and suffering. All of it.

At KMC Austin, this is what we learn—in a very practical way. So that through meditation, we can cultivate authentic happiness, actualize our greatest potential, and help others do the same.

Modern Buddhism for everyone

New? Start here

Meditation Classes at KMC Austin

A weekly class consists of a teaching and meditation. Take home some good advice and apply it to your day.

Classes are happening several times during the week. 
Una introducción a la meditación y a las enseñanzas budistas

Retreats & Special Events

An Event, Workshop or Retreat is typically on the weekend. These vary from learning focused teachings to deepening your meditation skills.

Saturday, Sept. 7
10:00-10:30am & 11:00-11:30am

Unplug and refresh yourself with one or both of these short meditation sessions. Each session is guided and offers basic instruction on meditation and mindfulness.

Beginning again Sunday, September 15

The Foundation Program is designed for those who wish to deepen their understanding and experience of Kadampa Buddhism through a systematic study of six texts by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. When you join, you will experience the great benefits of being part of this systematic study program. Through this you can improve your good heart, your wisdom, and your cherishing of others by going deeper into your study and meditation practice.
Come check it out.

Thursday, September 26

Join us for this free alternative happy hour as we share Buddha’s wisdom for developing a calm and peaceful mind. Everyone welcome! Held at Brentwood Social House, 1601 W. Koenig.

Saturday, September 28

Delve into Buddha’s wisdom  Everyone welcome! In Conference Room #1 at Cafe Creme.

Support KMC Austin. Order a t-shirt! We have three color options and various sizes. $20 each.

Order now

You are welcome here!

No special skill level needed.

Sit in a chair or on the floor, the goal is to be comfortable.

Good to know

Wear comfortable clothes and cute socks! We take off our shoes in the meditation room.

What is a meditation room? That is the room where the teachings happen.

Checkout the New Kadampa Tradition Podcasts.


-Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Our center is 100% run by volunteers and is a self-funded, 501(c)3 non-profit.

KMC Austin

Please reach out if you have any questions. We’re happy to help!

Don't forget to follow us on:


Phone: (512) 916-4444
Email: info@meditationinaustin.org

1918 Bissel Lane
Austin, TX, 78745 U.S.


Donate Today

KMC Austin is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit & member of the New Kadampa Tradition—International Kadampa Buddhist Union