Our Mind & Our Emotions Buddhist psychology teaches how to identify the habitual emotional habits that lead to unhappy states of mind. Simply noticing what your mind is doing can […]
You're welcome to join us in Dallas at KMC Texas for a public talk with visiting teacher Gen Demo on Friday, the full-day retreat on Saturday, or both! Each event […]
In just one weekend, we can make significant strides in cultivating a deep experience of inner peace. This weekend retreat in the countryside offers a perfect opportunity to calm the […]
Sunday class is cancelled due to the Weekend Away Retreat with the combined Texas Kadampa centers. Class resumes next week.
Please reach out if you have any questions. We’re happy to help!
Don't forget to follow us on:
Phone: (512) 916-4444
Email: info@meditationinaustin.org
KMC Austin is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit & member of the New Kadampa Tradition—International Kadampa Buddhist Union